Wicked Queen (The Royals: Witch Court Book 5) Read online

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  Serrina spun on her heels and ran toward the edge and leap off like a ballet dancer. She did a split in midair with her long, elegant legs extended to their full length and her blond waves billowing in the breeze. Even diving off a roof to save her life she looked like a model posing for pictures.

  I spun back toward where Alataris fired energy balls toward us. For every one he threw, Tuck threw a ball of fire to explode them just over the castle. A rain of fireworks fell down into the center of the castle, setting multiple fires. Beckett stood by my side covered in sweat. “Can’t hold it much longer.”

  Grayson raced to my side. “I hate to do this, love. But it’s my bloody job.” With two hands he shoved me backward. I fell off the side of the castle. I reached out toward Tuck. His eyes met mine for a split second and there was nothing . . . a flash of blue and I was sucked into the portal leaving Beckett, Grayson, Cross, and Tuck all behind to fight off my father. “Noooooo.”

  Cross dove through next. He tumbled head over heels and spun like a top as he zoomed past me. Grayson followed, floating downward as though he’d gone through a portal a thousand times. He winked at me. “No worries, love. He’ll be right along.”

  Still I fought the pull of the portal. I should’ve just let go and let it carry my away like the others, but I had to see Tuck. I had to know he was all right. Then two huge flaming wings dove through but not what I expected. He clung onto a set of kicking legs. Tuck reached up and fired two fireballs past the legs. Beckett dropped down just enough that I could make out his face. “Let me go, Tuck. He’s got a hold of me!”

  “No!” Tuck flapped his wings, yanking and pulling with everything he had.

  Beckett threw his head back and bellowed. He dropped five more inches. That’s when I saw him. Alataris holding on to Beckett’s arm. His fingers were digging into Beckett’s skin. Streams of blood flowed down his arm onto his shirt. His shoulder was pulled and stretched at a painful angle. Alataris dipped his upper body in through the portal. “My crown! Give it to me or the boy dies.”

  Beckett yanked back on his arm. “Don’t do it, Zin!”

  I sucked in the last of my powers, the last of what the crown had to offer, and gathered it around me. Then threw my arm out in front of me, launching a javelin of magic right at Alataris. It smacked into his injured shoulder, jerking his upper body back. Tuck grabbed onto Beckett’s waist and pumped his wings, pulling him free of Alataris. The portal shrunk down and as it did the last thing I saw was my father reaching out toward me with murder in his eyes.

  Chapter 19


  I landed in the middle of the courtyard flat on my back. The wind was knocked from my lungs and I coughed until I could catch my breath. When I rolled to my side, there was Kumi standing guard over me. She had her paw spread wide, the hair on her back stood straight up, and a low growl rumbled deep in her chest. No one passes the Kumiho, until Zinnia is all right!

  Tucker walked up to her. “You let me go by or I will chop off those nine tails with my phoenix claw.” He put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes at her.

  Kumi pulled her lips farther back from her teeth and snarled at him. I lifted my hand up toward Tuck. Kumi, it’s okay.

  She took a small step to let him pass. Tuck marched to my side and fell to his knees. He gathered me up and let my back rest against his chest. “Are you okay?”

  No, my father keeps trying to kill me . . . it’s just so wrong. “Yeah, I think so. Just exhausted.”

  “Zinnia Heart, you call off the dog this instant.” My mother stood in front of Kumi, clutching her arm to her chest, an angry wound in her shoulder.

  Kumi growled even louder. My mom hauled her hand back and whacked Kumi right across the nose. “Bad dog.”

  Kumi, that’s my mom! Let her through.

  She hit the Kumi’s nose and I didn’t like it. She backed away and moved to sit on my other side. My mom raced forward and dropped down beside me. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her face pulled up into a smile. She threw her arms around my shoulders and yanked me to her. “Oh, my baby girl.”

  “Mom?” I hugged her back squeezing her just as hard as she squeezed me. My chest burst with emotion and I couldn’t fight the tears from falling from my eyes. All the time I’d been fighting to get her back, deep down the fear that I’d never see her again took root in my chest. It festered, a constant worry I had to hold for weeks of not knowing what happened to her, how she was being treated, what horrors she had to endure being trapped with him.

  Heaving sobs broke past my lips and I couldn’t catch my breath. She held me closer to her as she too sobbed in my arms. “Shhhh, we’re okay. Everything will be okay.”

  I pulled back and looked up into those sapphire eyes that matched my own. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

  “Not yet, baby. Not yet. Fighting runs in our blood.” She brushed her hands over my cheeks, wiping away the tears. “I am so proud of you.”

  She pressed her forehead back to mine and I closed my eyes, relishing having her close. There were so many things I missed about her, the way she smelled, the strength she gave me, and the way I felt safe with her. They were only things that came from being close to my mom. Only things a mother could give to a daughter. I sucked in a deep breath and felt the knots in my stomach uncoil one by one.

  “What the hell happened?” Niche marched out into the middle of the courtyard. “I sent you to have a night out and you all come back like this!”

  I pulled away from my mother and staggered to my feet. “I give you the crown of Alataris.” I held the crown out toward her. “Gather who you need to. It’s time to destroy this thing.”

  Niche pulled her glassed from her face and rubbed at her eyes. “Are you kidding me?” Even as she asked the question she ran her fingers over it. She pushed it back toward me. “No, you hold it. I can feel the power in it. It’s too tempting. I’ll get everyone we need. Give me an hour.”

  I held the crown closer to my chest. “One hour.”

  One hour later and I was showered and dressed back in my leather leggings, burgundy tank top, and leather jacket. The cool fall air didn’t get past my leather jacket, but at three in the morning it was more than chilly. I couldn’t believe only two weeks ago we had our Samhain ball, I’d died to save Tuck, and came back only moments later. We’d been on a never-ending journey and now we were taking our final steps toward the war with Alataris. The entire school turned out to watch what was about to unfold.

  In the center of the courtyard, only ten feet away from the three-tiered fountain, stood a white marble stone. On top of the stone sat the crown. The queens and knights stood in a U-shape behind me. Directly across from me was Matteaus, his face was a hard, unreadable mask. His black wings moved and twitched, dropping feathers. Fanning out in a V beside him were the other seven fallen warriors that made up the League of the Fallen. Each of them was covered with leather straps that held a variety of weapons. Behind them I spotted Hades, Hephaestus, Hermes in his cargo shorts and winged tattoos on his legs, Poseidon who even though wasn’t under water his flowing hair looked like he was. Even his arm glinted like lights on a pool.

  A woman who was so beautiful I could barely look at her stood just behind Matteaus. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it off without giving her a second glance. She pressed her fingers to her lips and blew a kiss at his back. Tension stole through his body as though he felt it on his neck. She tossed her long platinum hair over her shoulder and went up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. His eyes drifted closed as if he were in heaven itself, then he shook himself and took a small step away from her.

  I turned my head to the side, wondering which Greek goddess got under Matteaus’ skin. Athena, Hera, Artemis? I gave myself and inward shake. Nah! There was only one goddess I thought of who could get under his skin like that . . .

  “It’s time.” Niche’s words brought me away from my thoughts.

  I pulled the sword I’d got
ten blessed in heavenly fire from the holster at my hip. I held it out in front of me and blue flames erupted from it, illuminating the whole courtyard. The students flinched back from the bright light, all the while ohhhing and ahhhhing. I held the sword over my head, ready to bring it down on the metal.

  “Stop!” A deep voice commanded.

  The sound of beating wings filled the courtyard, and gusts of wind blew over my face and hair. I dropped my arms and held the sword at my side. “Kane?”

  He drifted down from above. His oversized white wings were bright against the dark sky. The white robes he’d worn while on the heavenly plain were nowhere in sight. Instead, he wore dark navy jeans, a white V-neck T-shirt, and thick work boots. His salt and pepper hair was windblown and drifted back from his chiseled regal face. When he landed in the courtyard just on the other side of the stone where the crown sat, the ground hollowed under his feet. The students all gasped at his appearance. He crossed his arms over his chest. “We had a deal.”

  “We had a deal that I would rule. There was nothing saying I had to do it alone.”

  His lips pulled up into a grin. “Clever girl.”

  “I never go back on my word.” I held the sword over my head and swung it down at the crown. The sword cut through it like butter. A surge of power rolled out from the crown, blowing back my hair. I raised the sword once more and brought it down, slicing the two pieces into four more. Magic hemorrhaged from it. I felt it smacking into me like the waves of the ocean. Energy coursed through my veins as I absorbed more of the magic the crown held. I raised the sword one last time and brought it down, splitting the largest piece in half. “I will rule . . . along with the four other queens.”

  Tuck walked over to the stone and gathered all the pieces. “You once had this crown made to amplify the power the royal family held. Now all five casts will have a leader.” He turned and brought the pieces to Hephaestus. “And now we’ll have five equal pieces to do so.”

  One by one he dropped the pieces into Hephaestus’ hands. I looked around at the rest of the school, watching with wide eyes. Matteaus’ shoulders moved up and down with silent chuckles. Kane ran his hand through his hair. “Indeed, you did not break your word. Good luck. I look forward to seeing what your new witch court will do when faced with future challenges.”

  Future challenges? What does that even mean? Before I had time to think about it Kane opened his hulking white wings and flew up into the air. I glanced around and Matteaus caught my eye. He gave me a single nod, then took off up toward the sky. The others glanced around the school at the students almost with sadness in their eyes, yet they too took off up toward the sky. Was that a farewell? Are they leaving for good? What do they know that we don’t?

  Chapter 20


  I sat cross-legged at the foot of my bed. The sword lay over my lap. The flames had long since gone out, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Kumi curled on the floor next to my bed with all four of her legs sticking up in the air, and her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth. My bathroom door slowly opened, and steam billowed from inside. My mother quietly walked out and sat down next to me. Her chocolate hair was a few shades lighter than mine. It hung in damp waves down the side of her heart-shaped face. She wore one of my oversized white T-shirts and black stretchy leggings. The bed dipped as she grabbed up a pillow in her lap and turned to face me. She placed one of her hands on my knee. “I’m so proud of you, honey.”

  “Thanks.” I had so many questions, I didn’t even know where to start. I just sat there staring at the sword, wondering where the Fallen had gone. What would we face next when it came to Alataris and how would it affect my mom? We always took one step forward and two steps back. Yes, today was a win. I got my mom and the crown. But at what cost tomorrow? Alataris wouldn’t let this go.

  Ophelia cleared her throat. “Catherine, I’m so glad you’re here.”

  My mom reached her hand out to Ophelia and motioned for her to join us on the bed. “I’m so happy you two finally found each other. You need family now more than ever.”

  Ophelia dropped down next to her and the three of us sat facing one another. We were all connected in this vicious cycle by one vicious man. Yet somehow the three of us coming together was something positive to get out of it. But there were so many things I had to know. “Mom, I have so many questions. There are so many things you kept from me. Why?”

  I wanted to hide the hurt in my voice, but I couldn’t. She’d kept so many things from me over the years. We’d moved every six months. She never told me about my powers, about who my real father was, and this world I belonged to.

  She sucked in a deep breath and signed. “You have to know I never thought I wouldn’t be around to teach you about Evermore and who your father really was. Your whole life I waited until your powers were unlocked to explain all of this to you. I didn’t know he’d take me or that you’d be on the run.”

  “But, Mom, you had to have known when you got involved with him. I mean, I’ve heard of having a thing for a bad boy, but couldn’t you have dated a biker or something?”

  Her brows drew low over her eyes and she pursed her lips. “Excuse me, but when I met Alataris he used a very strong glamour. I had no idea it was him, not until the day you were born. By then it was too late. I’d already tied myself to him. His glamour dropped for a split second the moment he held you. I think that when he cradled you in his arms he forgot who he was and for the one moment he loved someone more than himself.” She looked away from me. “Then he saw the mark on your shoulder.”

  I pulled my oversized sweater to the side, revealing the three freckles that made the shape of a triangle. Ophelia too pulled her shirt aside to show her mark. My mother pressed her finger to my shoulder. “I knew you were a queen and I knew that if he found you he’d kill you before you were old enough to defend yourself. I couldn’t let that happen, so the moment he gave us a second alone I took you and I ran. For nearly sixteen years we both ran.”

  Ophelia sighed. “I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like.”

  “It wasn’t that bad.” I shrugged. “We had each other. We’re the best team ever.”

  A small chuckle escaped my mother’s lips. “And who are you to say anything about bad boys? Don’t think I don’t see the way that phoenix looks at you. He’s got trouble written all over him.”

  “Psh, it’s too late for that.” Ophelia motioned to my wrist.

  I wasn’t ready to talk about this with my mom, not yet. My mother dropped the pillow and grabbed my arm yanking it into her lap. She brushed the bracelet Tuck gave me before my ascending ceremony up higher on my wrist. “Oh my.”

  I pulled my arm from her grasp and narrowed my eyes at Ophelia. “You suck at keeping secrets.”

  She threw her hands up. “I didn’t know it was still a secret. I thought everyone knew.”

  “Did you complete the soul mate bonding?” My mom sucked in a breath and held it.

  Heat flooded my cheeks. “What do you mean?”

  “There’s a ritual that bonds the souls together. Two become one. If one of you gets injured, then so does the other and if one of you dies . . . then so does the other. Tell me you didn’t complete it. Not yet at least.”

  I shook my head. “No, but you and Alataris did. Why, Mom?”

  “I didn’t know who he was. He came off as so kind, so gentle I thought we’d be together forever, but turns out forever won’t be so long.”

  I snapped my head up. “What do you mean?”

  “Soul mate bonds are unbreakable. One way or another he will be ended, and you girls will live. I swear it.” A single tear rolled down her cheek. She swiped it away. “Alataris must not be allowed to live and when he dies . . . well, let’s just say I’m so happy you two have found each other.” She placed her hand on my cheek and Ophelia’s. “Take care of each other. You’re family and I love you both.”

  She placed a kiss on both of our cheeks. “Now you two ge
t some rest. It’s been a long day. I’m going to take the room across the hall, which somehow appeared this evening when I was about to ask your headmaster for a place to stay.”

  “Oh, it’s a spell. The school expands from within as needed.” I watched as my mother walked out the door and left Ophelia and me in shocked silence. “Did that sound . . .”

  “Like she was thinking about sacrificing herself to save us all? Yep.” As she turned toward me, the bed creaked. “Look, I know I haven’t been around from the beginning, but I love your mom. I can’t tell you how many times she stepped in when things got bad with Alataris. I owe it to her and to our little family.” She rolled her eyes. “To figure out a way to break that soulmate tie.”

  Determination overcame me. “I’m not going to lose her just when I got her back.”

  Chapter 21


  Two days later and Zinnia was more on edge than I’d ever seen her. I thought it’d be a good idea to work off her frustrations in training, but here I was in the middle of the training room with her standing across from me with a staff. The blue mats caved under her feet, yet she moved silently. The entire crew was here, each of them in their own part of the training room, fighting. The clang of metal, the sound of sneakers squeaking on mats, and the grunts of hard work filled the room. Zinnia didn’t seem to be paying attention to any of it. She swung her staff right for my head. I ducked under it. “It’s only been two days.”

  She jabbed the end of it toward my midsection. I swung my staff up, blocking her hit. She pursed her lips together. “Two days of waiting and no resolution. My mom is acting like this is it for her. Like her life is over.”