Wicked Trials Page 9
I didn’t know the elf well, but there were a few things I could tell just from looking at her. The perfect posture she held and elegant motions told of royalty. She sat in the center of the chair with her back ramrod straight. No slouching, no leaning to the side with her legs crossed a the ankles. Her hands were folded in the center of her lap. Only years of etiquette training would produce that kind of perfection. Though she wore a graphic tee and jeans, I could tell they were made of the finest material.
“But I lost.” A splitting headache shot through my skull, the aching went from the back of my neck up toward my eyes. I pressed my palms to my eyes.
In a flash Gray moved from the other end of the room to sit by my side. “Oh yeah, but you see. You were a good lad and the Queens decided to offer you second place. And now here we are.” He motioned to the remaining competitors sitting around the room. “Challenge number three.”
“Only four of us left? Where’s Beckett? Adrienne?” I pushed my hair out of my face and leaned back in the chair.
Brax looked much worse for wear. He cradled his arm in his hands, yet I didn’t see any teeth or claw marks. He rested his head back against the wall. “The others went in.”
“We’re the last four. This place is like a dog pound. Competitors go in but they don’t come out.” Grayson glanced toward Matt. “Better be careful, they might put you down, wolf.”
“Very funny.” Matt bared his teeth and growled.
“Aww aren’t your baby teeth cute?” Grayson turned toward him and slowly extended his fangs. “I do believe mine are bigger than yours.”
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any weirder, Niche strolled through the door.
“Gentleman, let’s put them away, shall we? No use comparing the length of your teeth. After all, its the bite that matters, isn’t it?” Her bright red hair was pulled up high into a tight bun. She pushed her wide-rimmed glasses up on her tiny, pert nose as she approached me. “Tucker Brand, I presume.”
She extended her hand to me, and I quickly took it. “That’s right.”
“Well, I must say your performance has been impressive.” She dropped my hand. “I do hope you survive the next one.”
“Um, thank you?” I turned my head to the side and met Grayson’s eyes. He gave me a palms-up shrug.
She held up her clipboard. “Mister Matt. You’re next.”
Matt rose to his feet and gave me a smirk. “I’ll see you on the other side, bird.”
“I’ll be sure to keep some dog treats handy, pup.” I made a show of patting my pocket. The door clicked shut behind him and I couldn’t help but wonder if I would see him again. I prayed I didn’t. I’d been forced into this life, but I might quit if I had to work next to that guy.
I turned towards Brax. “You okay?”
“Yeah, the witches, they, ah, healed me.” He held his arm up. “Still a bit sore. How are you feeling?”
Like I got hit by a truck…twice. “I’m okay.” I rose to my feet and walked over to the mirror that looked like a window. I rapped my knuckles against it.
“I suspect it’s two-way glass.” Ashryn tilted her head back and looked at the glass as though she could see right through it. “I also suspect we have an audience.”
The elf held secrets behind her calm exterior. Their species was one of myth and legend. Little was known about them aside from their abilities with a bow, and their lives were steeped in earthen magic even the witches dared not try to harness.
I pressed my hand to the cool glass. Are you enjoying the show? All my life I’d been watched, judged. This was noting new, except now I felt like I was in a fish tank.
“I doubt they’ll say anything to us.” Grayson came to stand beside me. “This is the last bit for us. Personally, I wouldn’t mind working with you.”
“Likewise, vampire.” I nodded to him. “Wouldn’t be so—”
Boom! A cannon blast roared, shaking the room. Tiny bits of dust rained down from the ceiling. I exchanged nervous glances with Brax, Grayson, and Ashryn. “Guess the wolf didn’t make it.”
Brax crossed his arms over his barrel-like chest. “Question is, what did they do to him to make him grab this thing?” He held up the orange crystal hanging from his neck.
I shook my head. Indeed, what would make a fierce competitor drop out in the last challenge? Especially the wolf, he was hard headed and tough. Did they torture him it his breaking point or use their magic on him in ways he couldn’t stand? A nervous ball sunk into my stomach. Yet I would face this and anything else they threw at me, to do my duty for Evermore…for the human. “I’ll find out soon en—”
The steel door clicked open and Niche walked in once more. “Tucker Brand. They’re ready for you.”
I turned toward her and put my hands on my hips. “What to tell me what’s going to happen in there?”
“Sometimes, Mister Brand, we do not know what challenges we are about to face or what’s expected of us. All we can do is our best. And frankly—” She pushed her glasses up her nose, then held the clipboard to her chest. “—I’d like to be done with this. I have lots of work to do back at the school and I need to return soon. So if you’ll please follow me.”
So she’s a teacher? Everything makes sense now. None of the Queens had been put in danger, only their teacher. It was a precaution any mentor would’ve taken. Hell, I could picture Blackwing doing the same. She turned on her heels and walked out the door. With one last look over my shoulder I nodded to the others. “Be seeing you.”
I followed closely behind Niche, down one beige hallway after another. If I didn’t know any better I’d say we were in a high school and I just left the detention room. The kind I’d seen on human television. They must’ve used their magic to shift the arena setting once more…right? “Are we still in the arena
“We are exactly where we need to be.” She didn’t turn around, didn’t stop. Only held her shoulders back and kept on going.
My heart thundered in my chest. The mark on my neck smoldered its warning. The hall was lined with identical black doors, one after another. At the end stood a single red one.
Niche paused and turned toward me. “How are you feeling, Mister Brand?”
“It’s Tucker, and I feel fine.” I feel like hell. My whole body ached with every move I made and I suspected the puncture wounds on my back opened up. I could feel small trickles of blood running down my skin.
“Indeed.” She made a note on her board. “And how about now? Do you feel any different?”
Why is she looking at me like I…Oh, what is that smell?
I sucked in a breath through my nose. The scent of cinnamon and hot chocolate wafted over me. I closed my eyes, relishing that sweetness. It reminded me so much of home. “What’s that smell?”
“Exactly what do you smell?” She leaned in closer.
My eyes rolled back as I sucked in another flavorful breath. “Hot chocolate and cinnamon.”
“Interesting.” She reached forward and opened the door wide, then waved me through. “Please go in.”
My feet moved of their own accord. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. “Thank you.” My voice sounded weird even to my own ears, sleepy almost.
“I don’t think you should thank me, Mister Brand. Perhaps afterward.” Without another word she turned away, and walked back down the never-ending hall.
“Hmm, yes … What?” I turned to say, but she was gone. The scent was intoxicating and lulled me into a sense of comfort I hadn’t felt in years.
“Close the door, Tucker.” The words were so simple, yet I found myself lunging to close the door as quickly as possible. It slammed shut with a loud band.
“Please come in, Tucker,” a sweet voice called out to me, beckoning to me.
I drifted forward into another room. A large plush couch ran the length of the wall, its crimson coloring enticed me to sit, to be comfortable, to relax. I shook my head. When did I ever relax? Still, I sat down and sunk into it, like sinki
ng into a pillow.
“Hello, Tucker.” Serrina’s sultry voice lulled me into a stupor.
“Hello, Serrina.” I gave a single clumsy wave. My movements were slow, so unlike me.
I could understand why Serrina was the Queen of Desires. Everything about her was enchanting in some way. Her blond streaked hair hung down past her shoulders and fell around her soft oval face. Even her eyes drew me in, a vivid emerald with flecks of topaz in them. And yet I felt something deep within my chest resisting everything about her. I rebelled the hold she was gaining around me. She was lovely as ever, a true beauty with a hard edge that was reflected in her style. Tight leather leggings and a bright white shirt that read wild child.
“Would you care for some food?” She waved her hand and a table laden with all my favorite foods appeared.
Peaches. I shook my head. “I prolly ssshhhhhouldn’t.” Is that my voice?
“Oh, come now.” She crawled up on the couch next to me. “A little snack won’t hurt you. Try the peach.”
How did she know? She snagged one off the table and brought it to her nose and took in a deep breath. “It smells amazing. You want it, don’t you?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
She leaned in closer, her decadent chocolate scent wrapping around me. “Take it, you know you want to.” I never wanted to take anything so badly in my life.
I locked my hands at my sides. My fingers twitched to grab that peach from her. But deep down I knew it’d cost me something dear. What? I didn’t know. All I could see was her. Her smile, her scent, her eyes all reeled me in.
I shook my head. “Can’t.”
“Excuse me?” She tilted her head to the side. “But you want it.”
“I know.” I nodded. All my life I’d hidden emotions I felt, stayed away from things I wanted. I had so much self control even I felt that no one really saw me.
“Why won’t you take it?” She tossed it up and down, catching it each time.
My eyes locked onto her movement and followed the peach, like a dog would follow a piece of food. “Because you want me to.”
Her cherry lips titled up in a half-smile. “Oh, you are stubborn, Tucker. I’d heard as much.” She leaned over and placed the peach down on the table. “But is fruit what you really want?”
The room shifted around me and suddenly I was back at my childhood home, sitting in the study adjoining my room. Before me a fire crackled in the hearth. I loved the way the flames moved to my whims. As a child I’d make them waver and flicker all night long. The white marble surrounding it glittered in the dark. Shelves of books lined the walls, their smell mixed in with that homey cinnamon chocolate scent that clung to the air. A smile broke out over my face.
“Yes, I could tell this is what you—” She leaned in even closer, her lips only a breath away from my ear. “—desired most.”
Yes, this is what I desire… The mark on my neck smoldered to an uncomfortable degree. I pressed my fingers to it and ignored the burning. A large smile spread across my face and I slowly blinked up at her. “This is nice.”
“You know what else would be nice?” Her beauty, her voice, everything about her was appealing.
I tilted my head back to rest it on the couch, and then I locked eyes with hers. “What’s that?” I reached out to run my fingers over her hair but they fell limply to the couch just before I could touch her.
“I think you should give me a little kiss.” Her fingers brushed my cheek. “You want that.”
I do? The desire for her was there, flooding my system. “Do I?”
Again she tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at me. “Yes, you do.” Her magic swirled around us, brushing against my skin and face. I’d never felt so relaxed, so open in all my life.
I leaned in, my lips were a breath away from hers. I wanted to take her mouth with mine, to taste that sweet scent and feel those plump red lips under mine. I sucked in a breath about it go the rest of the way when something in me hesitated. Since when did I take what I wanted? “I don’t think I do, though. Somethings missing. But, my gods, you are beautiful.”
I looked her up and down, waiting to feel an unstoppable need for this girl. She was gorgeous and strong, everything I could desire most. But I’d never followed my own desires before and I wouldn’t start now. “You’re very sexy. Did you know?” I was babbling, saying things I’d never say if I’d been myself.
She slouched back next to me her shoulder brushing mine. “Missing?”
“Yep, big yep. Huge yep. Missing.” Why was I talking so much? This wasn’t me, the phoenix I was. This was someone else, some kind of potion-sick, version of myself. I staggered to my feet. “I don’t want this.”
“Yes, you do.” She punctuated each of her words, and with each syllable I felt the power roll over me.
This time my mark flared and sent flames through my veins. Smoke rose off my skin but I didn’t care. “No.” I smacked my hand over the mark on my neck, trying to calm it down. “I have to get out of here.”
“No, you have to stay.” So much power, so much influence. Oh if I stay…my mind wandered down a long road of visions of all the ways I could kiss this girl. Of all the ways I desired to kiss her. I shook my head, trying to clear away the foggy haze of desire I felt for her.
I swayed on my feet and peered around the room trying to find something to ground me in the moment. There were subtle differences to how I remembered my beloved study. Books I’d organized were out of place, the carpet that had once been white was now a deep cream color, even the flickering of the fire was different. “This isn’t my house.”
She pursed her lips. “It is.”
“Something is wrong.” I stabbed my hands into my hair and paced. “Why am I here?” I had to remember, it was important, life-changing. But what was it?
“We’re just hanging out together.” She crossed her legs and patted the seat next to her. “Come sit down. Touch me.”
“Touch you.” Yes, I wanted to touch her so badly, to feel her silky hair between my fingers.
She nodded up at me and reached her hand out. “Kiss me, Tuck.”
I leaned up on my toes and nearly fell forward onto her mouth. “Yes, I want to kiss you.”
A large smile broke out over her face. “Do it, please. I want you to.”
“You want me to?”
“More than anything.” She tilted her chin up, offering her sweet plump lips to me.
God help me, I took a step toward her and froze. “No.” I forced myself back. “I.” Another step. “Will.” My back pressed against the stone mantle. “Not.”
The heat of the flames seeped into my skin and I ate it up. Soon they rose up, forming a wall between she and I. Flames licked at my skin and face. I summoned them to wrap about my fingers. I twirled them like a piece of string in my hand. Each scorch reminded me of who I was. There was only one way I was going to remember exactly why I was there. One thing left for me to do. I needed to wipe it all clean, burn until there was nothing left but me. I held my hands out to my sides and summoned the flames all around my body.
Serrina leapt to her feet. “Come out of there.”
Among the burning cinders, everything became so clear. My purpose there, what I was born to do, and where I was now. All my life I’d controlled my inner most desires, forgoing what I wanted for the greater good. This moment was no different. “Say please.”
Her jaw slackened. “What?”
“I said, say please. Serrina Darling, Queen of Desire.” I let my fingers play with the flames. Though they had started as an illusion, they were all mine to control now. And control them I did. I let them lick up my legs and over my arms. They cleansed me of the influence she had over me.
“You remember?” She raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“I do.” I stepped out of the flames and waved my hand to make them die down. “Now let’s change this whole room back to the way it was, shall we?”
“Fine.” She stomped he
r foot and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. With the wave of her hand the room shifted once more. There were only two hard plastic chairs side by side in a windowless one door room. “How did you resist? No one ever does.”
“Because I was born to be a Knight,” I said with absolute certainty. “And not one of you will tempt me from my duties. I see you all as sisters I need to help protect. Nothing more, nothing less.”
She rolled her eyes. “So you’re sure you’re a Knight?”
I nodded. “I am.”
The door burst open and Niche strolled in. “So am I.”
Chapter 13
“Citizens of Evermore! Please rise for your Knights!” The announcer screamed into the microphone so loud the area vibrate. The crowd went wild, cheers and high-pitched whistles stung my ears. My face was big as day on the Jumbotron and I wanted nothing more than to walk out of there and ignore the fanfare. I looked up toward the Witch Queen’s box, all three thrones were empty. Where are they? My first ten minutes on the job and I’ve lost them.
The excitement was palpable all around me. For ten years I’d waited for this moment, ten years of training, missing my family, missing life and now here I stood at the center of it all. I’d come in first in two of the three challenges and second in the third. There would be a place for me among the Knights I just knew it. We’d planned for this, to achieve the Knighthood, but now there was no plan. No director or path I was forced into. Yes, I’d be a Knight but none of my training ever prepared me for what came next. In the moment standing at the center of the arena I felt…free.
A large bubble floated down from the ceiling, hues of pink and blue shimmered around it. It landed just in front of me and the child in me had the desire to reach out and pop it. I held my hands firmly at my sides. The bubble popped and tiny speckles of glittery dusk fell to the floor revealing Niche. Though she’d been at the center of the trial she didn’t change her clothing or make a fuss. She simply stepped up in that white lab coat and waved for the crowd to quiet down. A hush fell over them and she cleared her throat. Then she held a microphone up to her mouth. “After the three trials have been completed the decision has been made for the follow Guardians to rise to Knighthood.”